Sunday, February 3, 2013

2012 Colorado Muzzleloader Elk Hunt

2012 Colorado Muzzleloader Elk Hunt

Here is a story about a muzzleloader elk hunting trip my brother, Tom, and I experienced last fall, September, 2012 in Colorado.

After being on 25 DIY elk hunting trips over the years, with many being successful, none have topped our 2012 hunt with Justin Mitchell of Action Adventures.  

Colorado Muzzleloader Bull ElkWith having accumulated 13 preference points, we wanted to give ourselves the best chance of a good hunt so we decided to try to find a good outfitter and book a drop camp. After talking with 5 different outfitters, and several conversations with Justin, our choice was pretty easy.  

Once we learned in June we were successful in drawing the tags, we contacted Justin who was very helpful with details about what he would provide and what we were to bring.
We arrived at the trailhead where Justin met us to pack us in. Camp was perfectly located and equipped. Justin was also very helpful giving us details on how elk use the area.  

We saw elk our first night right from camp and heard bulls bugling all night long. The first morning we tried unsuccessfully to get ahead of a herd of about 60 with 5 bulls. We followed until the herd got to green timber where we waited until mid-afternoon when the elk got active again. We got lucky; the wind cooperated and Tom shot the herd bull at 40 yards; a big 6x6. Justin checked in on day three to pack out Tom’s bull.  

Colorado Blackpowder Elk HuntingThe next two days we saw 75 -100+ elk a day.
On day four, we had a long walk to an area where we were seeing elk consistently right from camp. That morning we saw three nice bulls, but couldn’t get a shot. Again, we laid low and watched elk all day long. About 3:00, in the afternoon, bulls started bugling again. I was fortunate enough to kill the fourth bull we maneuvered on that evening; another real nice 6x6.  

Justin arrived on Day 6 to pack us out.

Anybody with preference points should consider a Unit 66 with Action Adventures. It has incredible elk habitat and good numbers of mature bulls.  Having never seen another person or boot track in 6 days, the elk were very visible and patternable.

We can’t say enough positive things about Justin and his operation. His horses, camp placement and equipment and knowledge of the area were easily worth the price. We felt we got more than our money’s worth.  

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Colorado License Applications

Remember Colorado License applications are due today (4/3/12). All Action Adventures clients know that we take care of licensing for you, but if you are not yet one of our clients and are even remotely thinking about hunting Colorado in the future start building preference points now!

Apply Online Here

 If you have any questions let us know we are glad to help.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

My 2011 Colorado Archery Elk Hunt - Robb Gottenborg

It was the last day of the hunt, so we were going to hit it hard one last time.  I wasn’t overly optimistic as 2 days earlier I had blown an opportunity at a large 5 point.  Having hunted elk for twenty years, I knew that good chances like that don’t come often, especially a few days apart.

We chose to hike up the East side of the draw that morning, in the same general area we had encountered the big bugling 5 point two days earlier.  The hikes had been rough, very steep terrain, but beautiful country, great elk habitat.  We had been hiking up the mountain for the better part of an hour when we took a break in an open area.  I took the opportunity to glass the other side of the draw and wouldn’t you know it, I could see elk feeding in a park.  I thought I could see antlers, but wasn’t sure.  Sam, my guide for the week, got out his spotting scope and confirmed there were four bulls feeding.  I asked Sam what the plan was thinking going all the way down the mountain and up the other side wasn’t going to be an option, but Sam said “we’re going to go get those elk of course”.  So down the mountain we went, at half a run at times.  I wasn’t sure if I was going to have the energy to make it down and up the other side of the draw and then was there any chance those bulls could still be there when we did get there, because they were several miles away after all.  

Well, about 2 hours later after a grueling hike, for me at least (forgot to mention Sam is 19 and runs up the mountain) we showed up at the edge of the park we thought the bulls had been feeding in.  Sam edged ahead to take a peek down the open draw.  Would you believe it, after two hours, those bulls hadn’t moved much more than 100 yards.  We snuck into some light cover above the bulls.  We watched them feed for a short time before they started to bed down in some light cover in the draw.  There was a 6 point, a 5x6, a 5 point and a 4 point.  None were monsters,  but 3 were respectable and we agreed I would take a shot if the opportunity arose.  It was early season, but there was some early rut activity starting, so Sam did a little cow talking.  One of the bulls rubbed a tree, but they did not seem too excited by the calling.  The bulls did not stay bedded for long.  One by one, they got up and started moving up the mountain, quartering to us and behind some boulders and trees that obstructed our view of them.

We assumed the bulls would stay in the bottom of the draw, so we hurried a little closer  and hoped for maybe a 30 yard shot.  Sam was slightly to my side and downhill.  There was a large boulder surrounded by small pines on the other side of Sam about 12 yards from me.  I was prepared for the bulls to appear in front of me at 30 yard, in line where we had last seen them traveling, when all of a sudden a bull popped out from behind that boulder, only 7 yards away.  Sam hit the ground and whispered “Shoot”.  The other bulls were right behind, but there was no time to picky.  It was shoot the first bull or get busted.  I knew the bull was legal, but wasn’t positive which one it was, didn’t matter, it was the last day and we had decided I was going to shoot if the opportunity presented.  I pulled my bow back, settled the pin, and shot without really thinking.   The arrow hit a little high I thought and all four bulls busted.  They disappeared behind cover again.

We got to a high vantage and saw a single bull cross the opening several hundred yards away and assumed that was mine.  I was a little worried about the shot.  Sam went to grab his pack and I started looking for blood.  When Sam got back a few minutes later, I reported to him that I hadn’t found a drop of blood.  We split up and followed the few possible routes the bulls could have taken between the rocks and boulders in the area.  If the elk we had seen cross the clearing was mine, we could also search that general area.  I kept scouring the ground for blood, but no luck.  I was becoming frustrated when I chose a different path along some cover.  I popped out of the cover and immediately smelled the strong odor of elk and heard buzzing.  In a few steps, there he was.  The buzzing was the first flies finding him in the open park.  He had only ended up going about 70 yards.  The shot had been great, entered high on downhill angle and drove right into his chest cavity.  Since the arrow entered high and didn’t exit, all the blood had pooled in the chest cavity, but it had been a good shot and fast kill.  Turns out I had shot the 5 point, not the biggest, but I was proud none the less. 

Hunting with Action Adventures was a blast and I would have said that whether I killed an elk or not.  Justin runs a great outfit with fine help and good stock. John did an excellent job cooking and keeping camp straight.  Sam was a great guide, knowledgeable about elk and a good caller.  He went the extra mile to get me my elk, Thanks Sam.  The guys at Actions Adventures were great and I would recommend them. 

 I will be back.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Colorado Elk Hunting Testimonial - Tom Harris

I’ve archery hunted elk four other times, in Wyoming, New Mexico and Colorado. This was my first hunt with Action Adventures and by far my best hunt ever. I hunted the last week of archery season and the weather couldn’t have been better, it was almost too nice for hunting, cool in the mornings with some ice in the creeks and sunny and warm by mid morning.

The quantity and quality of the elk was more than I expected. Justin had me into elk on the first morning. Chasing bugling bulls everyday, it was very exciting and quite an adventure. I was fortunate enough to harvest a cow on the forth morning of the hunt, we were into a herd with several bulls and cows. Justin had me in great position, I didn’t make the best shot, but the cow didn’t go too far. This was my second elk with a bow and I was very happy with the hunt and the outcome.

Justin and his crew at Action Adventures do a great job. Clean camp, good riding stock, and the food was excellent. I would highly recommend Action Adventures to anyone wanting a true wilderness experience, tough hunting but very rewarding, beautiful country.

Thanks to Justin and his crew, Ethan, John, Sam and Mike. It was a great hunt, alot of good memories, I hope I can do it again.

Tom Harris